Zeit für Deutsch D

Session Context

This session covers all of the activities from Zeit für Deutsch A, B and C also includes activities from the 2 'Fruit' lessons. Slides 2-4 look at D cognates but after that the session is the same as Zeit für Deutsch C up until slide 67, when the 'Fruit' activities begin. 


Again, I have put the new material at the end for ease of reference but feel free to mix up the slides and leave some out, as different activities work better for different teachers and classes. 

Slides 2 - 4 - Cognates

Say 'ist es Zeit für der Delphin?' The children shout back 'nein'

Say 'ist es Zeit für Dezember?' The children shout back 'nein'

Say 'ist es Zeit für der Diamant?' The children shout back 'nein'


Slide 5 - Zeit für Deutsch Song 

Say 'ist es Zeit für Deutsch?' The children shout back 'Ja'

The children then sing the Zeit für Deutsch song


Note - I have made up the following:

To the tune of 'Gangnam Syle the children sing 'Hey, Zeit für Deutsch, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, es ist Zeit für Deutsch'


Please feel free to make up your own song. I find the 'Gangnam Style' song works really well as the children can also do the Gangnam Style actions.  


The Body

Slide 6 - Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Song

Get the children to 'Stehe auf' (stand up) and sing the song on the slide. After singing it through once say 'noch mal' (again) and the children sing it through once more.

*Note - In German it goes 'Nase, Mund und Kinn' instead of 'Mouth and nose'.


Slide 7 - Hans sagt (Simon says)

  • Do as a full class first as the children are stood up. Say 'Hans sagt berüht ...' and the children touch the relevant part of their body. 
  • Use lollipop sticks to choose 2 children to compete against eachother. The first child to touch that part of the body wins a reward.
  • Ask individual children 'was ist das?'
  • Ask children 'Ist das ...?' This is effective when saying the incorrect part of the body. For example, when pointing at you nose you could ask, 'ist das die 'Augen?' The children the have to say 'nein, das ist die Nase'. They could even extend by saying, 'nein, das ist nicht die Augen, das ist die Nase'.

Slide 8 - Was ist das?

Individual body parts will pop up on the screen. Randomly choose children (using lollipop sticks) and ask them 'was ist das?' The child should reply with 'das ist ...'



Slide 9 - Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken Song

Get the children to sing the song on the slide with the actions they did in their clothes lesson. After singing it through once say 'noch mal' (again) and the children sing it through once more.


Slides 10 - 19 - Clothes Revision/Is that...?/What is that?

Use 'sag mir nach' (repeat after me) and go through the slides to familiarise the children with the vocabulary needed in the clothes activities. For some clothes, ask 'ist das ....?' For others, ask 'was ist das?' Encourage the children to answer in full sentences.


Slides 20 - 26 - Was fehlt?

Revise 'was fehlt' and '... fehlt' on slide 19. Let the children study slide 19 for around 20 seconds and then remove an item (by going to a slide from 20-25). Ask 'was fehlt?' and then choose a child randomly using a lollipop stick. The child responds with '... fehlt'. Repeat for other clothes.  


Slide 27 - Ich packe in meinen Koffer (2 activities to choose from)

  1. The class target is 8 items of clothing. Holding Felix the Frog, say 'Ich packe in meinen Koffer die Hose' (or any item of clothing). Then throw Felix at another child and that child has to repeat what you said and add an item of clothing of their own. This child then throws Felix at another child and the activity then repeats until the class gets to 8 items of clothing. When the class reaches 8, why not use a celebration such as 'das war gut', 'Lieblingsantwort', or 'das was fantastisch'.
  2. Tell the class that 3 children will compete against each other and the winner will receive a prize. Whoever can say the most items of clothing will win. Using lollipop sticks to ensure a random choice, choose the first child. Ask the child 'Was packst du in deinen Koffer?' This child has to say 'Ich packe in meinen Koffer ...' and then say as many items of clothing as they can. Record the child's score and repeat for child 2 and 3. *Note - before the competition begins, let the children have a 1 minute practise with a partner on their tables. I also find that the children remember more when they start from clothes at the top of their body and work their way down.


Slide 28 - 'Welche Farbe ist das' Song

The children to sing the song on the slide as they did in their clothes lesson. Then a choice of 3 activities:

  1. Throw coloured bean bags (or teddies/wool) at the children and ask questions such as 'welche Farbe ist das', 'ist das ... oder ...' or simply 'ist das blau' (when the colour is not blue).    
  2.  Ask someone what their favourite colour is - 'was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?' Extend by asking children what other children's favourite colour is e.g. Was ist Alice's Lieblingsfarbe?
  3. Play 'show me something that is'. Use lollipop sticks to randomly select 2 children to compete against each other. Say 'zeigt mir etwas das ... (a colour) ist'. The first child to touch something in the classroom that is the correct colour wins a reward.

Slides 29 - 40 - Colours and Flags

Use 'sag mir nach' (repeat after me) and go through the slides to familiarise the children with names of countries in German. Ask children questions such as 'welche Flagge ist das', 'Welche Farbe ist die Flagge von ...' and 'ist das ... oder ...'. Mix with colour questions such as 'welche Farbe ist das'.  


Slide 41 - 'Wie siehst du aus' Song

The children sing the song on the slide with the actions they did in their introduction lesson.


Slide 42 - Der Kartentausch - Wer bin ich?

This was performed in Zeit für Deutsch B with standard Kartentausch cards. Pick a card and show the children your card. Now say three things about the character on the card, pretending you are him/her. For example, if you choose Marcus you could say:

1) Ich heiße Marcus

2) Ich habe braune Augen

3) Ich bin stark


Explain that the children should try to make one each of the 3 sentences on the slide but it is fine if they make 2 'ich habe' sentences for example.

Now choose a different card and model with a child, just like playing 'Kartentausch'. Children find a partner with their hand up, say 3 things about their character. Then the partner says 3 things about their character. Swap cards. Hand up. Find a new partner with their hand up and repeat.


Slide 43 - Secret Signal

Using the vocabulary on the slide, ask one child to leave the room and agree with the rest of the class on a secret signal, such as touching your nose. Choose a child to perform this signal at any given moment. Bring the first child back into the room and ask the class to say 'Guten Tag' (the first item on the list) in a chant. Every time the class sees the designated person do the agreed secret signal, they move onto the next phrase in the list - 'Wie heißt du?' The child has to guess who is doing the signal before the class gets to the bottom of the list. If the child who went outside guesses correctly, they earn a reward. If the class get to the bottom, the 'signaller' and somebody else from the class, earn a reward


Slide 44 - Drei Fragen (3 questions)

Choose children randomly to answer the 3 questions. If the child answers the 3 questions correctly using full sentences s/he wins a reward.

Extend by taking away the slide for more able children.


Slide 45 - Who is speaking?

Ask a child to come to the front of the class and stand with his/her back to the other children. Someone from the class then says something in German (in a funny voice if they wish) and the person at the front has to guess who said the sentence. If the person at the front guesses correctly then they stay where they are, if not the 'speaker' gets to go to the front. The person at the front has the chance of earning a bonus reward if they are also able to correctly translate the sentence into English  



Slide 46 - Eins, Zwei, Papagei Song

Get the children to sing the song on the slide with the actions they did in their numbers lesson.


Now challenge them to see if they can throw Felix around the classroom, with each catcher saying the next number in the sequence to 20. If someone says the wrong number, if Felix gets dropped or if anyone stands up, then the game is over and they have to start again. The class gets a maximum of 3 goes to get to 20. If the children do this easily, challenge them to go up to 20 and back down to 0. Next throw Felix at individual children and get that child to count to 20 on their own. If they do it they get a reward. Repeat with different children.


Slides 47 - 51 - Numbers to 20

Display the numbers 1-20 on slide 46 on the IWB. Using 'sag mir nach', drill the numbers. After a few times get the children to read out the numbers on their own and then get a child to do it alone. Then gradually repeat this activity on slides 47, 48 and 49 where the help gets taken away, until the children can say the numbers 1-20 on their own. There is a surprise on slide 50 where 1-10 also get taken away - the children may not have expected that!


Now using 'sag mir nach' again, do the same with your fingers, counting up and down to 20 in German. Then get the children to do it as you raise your fingers. After a few goes ask the children questions such as 'ist das vierzehn?' when holding up some fingers. The children reply with 'ja, das ist vierzehn' or 'nein, das ist elf' or ' nein, das ist nicht vierzehn'.   


Slide 52 - Maths in German

Ask the children basic mathematical questions such as 'was ist sieben plus sechs?' The children should answer in full sentences such as 'sieben plus sechs ist dreizehn' or even 'der Antwort ist dreizehn'. Extend by asking the fraction questions e.g. 'Was ist ein Viertel von zwölf?'


Slide 53 - Time in German

Use a large clock, ask the children 'wie spat ist es?' with the hands on an o'clock time. The children answer with 'Es ist ... Uhr'. After a few o'clock questions, ask the children some 'half past' questions. The children have to answer these with 'es ist halb ...', remembering that in German you look forward to the next number.  



Slide 54 - Welches Tier bin ich Song

Get the children to sing the song on the slide to the 'who let the dogs out' tune. The children could do actions with their hands for barking. 


Slides 55 - 64

Sag mir nach the animals on the slides. These are from 'Animals 1'. Animals from 'Animals 2' will be introduced in future Zeit für Deutsch sessions. After a few sessions, you may be able to miss out 'sag mir nach' as the children will have learnt the names of the animals.


Slide 65

Remind the children of how to ask 'are the the...' and yes/no, I am (not) the ... 


Slide 66

Sag mir nach the vocabulary needed to describe the animals. Now you have a choice of activities:


Animal Mime - Very easy but fun!

Using the language memory cards (or ones you have made yourself), one child comes to the front and chooses a card from the teacher, without showing anyone their card. That child now has to make noises/do actions just like that animal. Randomly select a child to ask the 'actor' 'bist du der/die/das ...?' If the asker is correct, they go to the front and choose a new card. If not, use the lollipop sticks to select a new child.  


Welches Tier bin ich 1?

Choose a card from the language memory cards and give the children 3 clues as to what animal you are, using the German vocabulary on the slide. For example, if you choose the frog you could say: ich bin grün, ich bin klein und ich habe vier Beine. One child would then ask 'bist du der Frosch' und to that you would say 'ja, ich bin der Frosch'. The child who guessed correctly would then come to the front and choose a card. Repeat this several times with the whole class.


Welches Tier bin ich 2? (My favourite)

Choose a child to come to the front and face away from the IWB so they s/he can't see it but everyone else can (you may need to cover the computer screen too). Now bring up an animal on the IWB. Children in the class now have to give a clue to the child at the front, pretending they are the animal. For example, if the hippo is on the screen, one child could say 'ich bin groß'. The child at the front would guess with 'bist du der/die/das ...?' The clue giver would then say either ja, ich bin der/die/das ...' or 'nein, ich bin nicht der/die/das ...'. If the child has guessed correctly and the clue giver has said the appropriate sentence, the child at the front gets a reward and the clue giver goes to the front. If the clue giver is unable to say 'ja, ich bin der/die/das ...' then choose someone to come up from the lollipop sticks. This encourages interaction in German.





Slide 67 - Wir haben Hunger song

Sing this song from 'Fruit 2' with actions with the children


Slides 68 - 76

Sag mir nach the German words for the food on these slides. Occasionally ask questions that the children should know how to answer such as 'was ist das' and 'welche Farbe ist das'


Slide 77 - Write with a finger

Working with a partner, once child writes the name of a piece of fruit using his/her finger on their partner's back. The partner is allowed 3 guesses then the partners swap roles. Repeat a few times


Slide 78 - Question and Answer Vocabulary

I have divided the vocabulary into 3 sections on this slide:

Top - What is that?

Middle - Healthy or unhealthy?

Bottom - Colour


Sag mir nach the vocabulary with the children. Ask the children if anyone can do the top part with you, then the top 2 parts and then the whole slide.


Slide 79 - Secret Signal

Using the vocabulary on the slide, ask one child to leave the room and agree with the rest of the class on a secret signal, such as touching your nose. Choose a child to perform this signal at any given moment. Bring the first child back into the room and ask the class to say 'Was ist das?' (the first item on the list) in a chant. Every time the class sees the designated person do the agreed secret signal, they move onto the next phrase in the list - 'Das ist die Zitrone' The child has to guess who is doing the signal before the class gets to the bottom of the list. If the child who went outside guesses correctly, they earn a reward. If the class get to the bottom, the 'signaller' and somebody else from the class, earn a reward


Slide 80 (same as slide 78) - Questions and answers

Give the children a couple of minutes to do this with their partners, changing the fruit they talk about every time


Slide 81 - Remember the order vocabulary

Explain to the children that they are going to play a memory game called 'remember the order'. Sag mir nach the vocabulary on this slide as they will need this when they play the game.


Slide 82 - Remember the order

Explain the game to the children. In a minute these 3 pieces of fruit will disappear. Whoever can say the following in German will win a reward:

Left is the banana

The next (one) is the apple (you can just say 'the next' in German)

The next (one) is the lemon

I am finished


Slides 82 - 86 - Remember the order with 3 pieces of fruit

Leave slide 82 on the IWB for a minute and then go to slide 83. Whoever can 'remember the order' in German and tell you the order wins a reward. As the child gets each part correct, click to confirm and go to the next slide. Say 'das ist richtig' upon successful completion or if the chosen child gets its incorrect, say 'das ist falsch', go back to the start and select another child. 


Slides 87 - 92 - Remember the order (this time with 4)

Repeat the previous activity but this time the children have to remember the order of 4 pieces of fruit. Leave slide 87 on the board for a minute, then click and choose a child to try to remember the order again.


Slide 93 - King/Queen True or false?

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide. Now say some sentences in German such as 'the banana is yellow'. Select children randomly using lollipop sticks who then have to answer with either 'das ist wahr' or 'das ist falsch'. Extend with sentences such as 'the chocolate is healthy' and 'my favourite fruit is the lemon' (fruit is on the hand out). Point out that 'das ist falsch' can mean both 'that is wrong' and 'that is false'


Select a King or Queen to come to the front. Members of the class say a sentence and the king/queen has to say das ist wahr or das ist falsch. If the king/queen give an incorrect statement then the challenger wins the crown. The class therefore have to think of vocabulary that the king/queen may not know. Whoever is wearing the crown at the end of the lessons wins a reward


Slide 94 - The King or Queen of Knowledge Song and Plenary / Translation is now on Slide 94 as it comes at the end of 'Zeit für Deutsch'

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