Zeit für Deutsch J

Session Context

This session covers the activities from Zeit für Deutsch F, G, H and I, together with new 'Weekday' activities, starting at slide 74. Slides 2-4 look at J cognates but after that the session is the same as Zeit für Deutsch I up until slide 74, when the 'Weekdays' activities begin. 


Again, I have put the new material at the end for ease of reference but feel free to mix up the slides and leave some out, as different activities work better for different teachers and classes. 


Slides 2 - 4 - Cognates

Say 'ist es Zeit für die Jeans?' The children shout back 'nein'

Say 'ist es Zeit für der Dschungel?' The children shout back 'nein'

Say 'ist es Zeit für Japan' The children shout back 'nein'


Slide 5 - Zeit für Deutsch Song 

Say 'ist es Zeit für Deutsch?' The children shout back 'Ja'

The children then sing the Zeit für Deutsch song


Note - I have made up the following:

To the tune of 'Gangnam Syle the children sing 'Hey, Zeit für Deutsch, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, es ist Zeit für Deutsch'


Please feel free to make up your own song. I find the 'Gangnam Style' song works really well as the children can also do the Gangnam Style actions.  



Slide 6 - Wir haben Hunger song

Sing this song from 'Fruit 2' with actions with the children


Slides 7 -15

Sag mir nach the German words for the food on these slides. Occasionally ask questions that the children should know how to answer such as 'was ist das' and 'welche Farbe ist das'


Slide 16 - Write with a finger

Working with a partner, once child writes the name of a piece of fruit using his/her finger on their partner's back. The partner is allowed 3 guesses then the partners swap roles. Repeat a few times


Slide 17 - Question and Answer Vocabulary

I have divided the vocabulary into 3 sections on this slide:

Top - What is that?

Middle - Healthy or unhealthy?

Bottom - Colour


Sag mir nach the vocabulary with the children. Ask the children if anyone can do the top part with you, then the top 2 parts and then the whole slide.


Slide 18 - Secret Signal

Using the vocabulary on the slide, ask one child to leave the room and agree with the rest of the class on a secret signal, such as touching your nose. Choose a child to perform this signal at any given moment. Bring the first child back into the room and ask the class to say 'Was ist das?' (the first item on the list) in a chant. Every time the class sees the designated person do the agreed secret signal, they move onto the next phrase in the list - 'Das ist die Zitrone' The child has to guess who is doing the signal before the class gets to the bottom of the list. If the child who went outside guesses correctly, they earn a reward. If the class get to the bottom, the 'signaller' and somebody else from the class, earn a reward


Slide 19 (same as slide 17) - Questions and answers

Give the children a couple of minutes to do this with their partners, changing the fruit they talk about every time


Slide 20 - Remember the order vocabulary

Explain to the children that they are going to play a memory game called 'remember the order'. Sag mir nach the vocabulary on this slide as they will need this when they play the game.


Slide 21 - Remember the order

Explain the game to the children. In a minute these 3 pieces of fruit will disappear. Whoever can say the following in German will win a reward:

Left is the banana

The next (one) is the apple (you can just say 'the next' in German)

The next (one) is the lemon

I am finished


Slides 22 - 25 - Remember the order with 3 pieces of fruit

Leave slide 82 on the IWB for a minute and then go to slide 83. Whoever can 'remember the order' in German and tell you the order wins a reward. As the child gets each part correct, click to confirm and go to the next slide. Say 'das ist richtig' upon successful completion or if the chosen child gets its incorrect, say 'das ist falsch', go back to the start and select another child. 


Slides 26 - 31 - Remember the order (this time with 4)

Repeat the previous activity but this time the children have to remember the order of 4 pieces of fruit. Leave slide 87 on the board for a minute, then click and choose a child to try to remember the order again.


Slide 32 - King/Queen True or false?

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide. Now say some sentences in German such as 'the banana is yellow'. Select children randomly using lollipop sticks who then have to answer with either 'das ist wahr' or 'das ist falsch'. Extend with sentences such as 'the chocolate is healthy' and 'my favourite fruit is the lemon' (fruit is on the hand out). Point out that 'das ist falsch' can mean both 'that is wrong' and 'that is false'


Select a King or Queen to come to the front. Members of the class say a sentence and the king/queen has to say das ist wahr or das ist falsch. If the king/queen give an incorrect statement then the challenger wins the crown. The class therefore have to think of vocabulary that the king/queen may not know. Whoever is wearing the crown at the end of the lessons wins a reward



Slides 34 - 47 - Breakfast Vocabulary

Sag mir nach the German words for the food on these slides. Occasionally ask questions that the children should know how to answer such as 'was ist das' and 'welche Farbe ist das'


Slide 48 - Questions and Answers - Food

As you did in the lesson, break the slide down into the 3 colours, red, green and blue:


Red - eating 

Sag mir nach the vocabulary in red. Point out that the 'isst' in 'was isst du' sounds like the German for 'is' (ist), but with a slightly longer 's' sound. Unlike in English, in German the verb changes when proceeded by you - I eat, you eat.


Model a few sentences, asking the question at the top of the slide and answering the question using fruit they learnt recently (and revisited in their flashcards), for example:

Ich esse die Zitrone

Ich esse gern die Erdbeere


Now challenge some children by saying a sentence in English and getting them to translate it into German. For example, you could say:

I eat the apple and I like to eat the pear


Green - taste

Sag mir nach the 'green' vocabulary and point out that in German you simply ask 'taste ... good?' instead of using 'does'. Model a few sentences, asking the question and answering using the bottom green prompt. Again, challenge some children by saying a sentence in English and getting them to translate it into German. For example, you could say: 

The pineapple tastes good but (aber) the pear doesn't taste good (tastes not good) 


Blue - delicious and healthy

Sag mir nach the 'blue' vocabulary and then ask the children related questions in German such as:

Ist die Banane gesund?

Ist der Kuchen lecker?

Ist der Apfel gesund oder (or) ungesund?


Slide 49 - Questions and Answers - Drink

Go through the slides as you did with slide 48 but this time the red vocabulary focuses on 'drink'. The green and blue vocabulary is the same. Use water (das Wasser) as your example and go through the slide and question the children as you did on slide 48


Slide 50 - Running Dictation

Pin copies of the running dictation sheet (see 'Breakfast 2') around the classroom. Ask the children to either work with a partner or with their group. One child has to go to the sheet and read it, then return to their group and say it out loud. The receiving group/partner has to write down what the 'runner' says. As their are 12 lines on the sheet, the runner will have to go backwards and forwards several times between the paper and the group. Someone from the winning group will earn a reward.


Slide 51 - Ich esse zum Frühstück

Explain that we are now going to play a memory game involving all of the food we have learnt so far, similar to 'Ich packe in meinen Koffer' from 'Clothes 2'. Say 'ich esse zum Frühstück' and then list as many foods as you can. Once you can't think of any more foods, say 'ich trinke zum Frühstück' and then list as many drinks as you can. Count as you go along and the combined amount of foods and drinks that you could name is your score. Give the children a few minutes to practise this on their tables, allowing them to use their sheets and then get them to practise without looking at their sheets. Explain that at the end of the practise you will randomly choose some (3) children to compete against each other and the child with the highest score will win a reward.  During the competition, if they go 10 seconds without naming a food or drink, their turn is over. If they repeat something, simply don't count it.



Slide 52 - Months Chant 

Chant the months as a class and then get some (more able) children to chant them individually. Reward the children accordingly


53 - 55 - Disappearing Months

Sag mir nach the months once more using slide 52 and then get the class to chant them without your help. Now go to slide 53 and see if the class can chant them with 4 months missing. Click again and repeat until you get to slide 55 and the class should hopefully be able to chant the months. Give the children a minute to memorise and practise on their own and then randomly select and reward children who are able to chant the months on their own


Slide 56 - Turn Toss

Challenge them to see if they throw der Frosch around the classroom, with each catcher saying the next month in the sequence. If someone says the wrong month, if der Frosch gets dropped or if anyone stands up, then the game is over and they have to start again. If the children do this easily, challenge them to go up to Dezember and then back down to Januar

*Note - Something I found that works really well - If the class is getting loud, the person who has der Frosch can hold him in the air with one hand. This means 'everyone be quiet so I can think'



Slides 57 - 58 - Disappearing Numbers

Recite the numbers 1 - 20 with the children, chanting through them once with slide 16 on the board and then once using slide 17 (without German help).


Slides 59 - 63 - Numbers 21 - 32

Now bring the children's attention to slide 59 which demonstrates how to count from 21 - 32 in German. Point out that for 21 you simply say '1 and 20' and you follow this pattern up to 29. Model how to say 'dreißig' and point out that the same pattern follows for 31 and 32 - '1 and thirty', '2 and thirty'.  Sag mir nach 21 - 32 a couple of times and get the children to chant it as a class. Go onto slide 60 where some of the help has been taken away. Sag mir nach the numbers once and then get the children to chant. Repeat this activity for slides 61, 62 and 63 where the German slowly gets taken away and by the time you have done the activity on slide 63, most children should be able to chant the numbers.


On their tables, give the children time to learn how to count from 21 - 32, displaying slide 59 on the board. Tell them that once they are confident, they can go through the following stages:

* Try to connect 1 -20 so that they can count all the way from 1 - 32

* Count from 1 - 32 without looking at their sheets

* Play 'Number Tennis' with a partner, counting from 1 - 32

* One partner tests the other by saying a number from 1 - 32 in English and the partner has to say the German 


Finally randomly select some children to count from 1 - 32 on their own. If they can do this they will earn a reward.


Slide 64 - Ordinal Numbers Rules

Introduce the children to ordinal numbers in German. Point out that from numbers 1 - 19 you simply say the number with 'ten' (pronounced tun) on the end. So for example, 4th is vierten  and 11th is elften. There are only 2 numbers which don't follow the pattern, 1st and 3rd, and this is shown on the slide.


For numbers after 19, you simply add 'sten' on the end instead of 'ten'. So for example, 21st is 'einundzwanzigsten' and 30th is 'dreißigsten'.


Slide 65 - Ordinal Numbers up to 32

I have put this slide in so that the children can follow the pattern but briefly ask the children to see if they can pronounce the ordinal number in their birthday.


Slide 66 - 'On' Translations

Point out that in this case, 'am'  is 'on'. Ask the children to translate the eight sentences into German. This slide is on their hand outs and they may use a pen if they wish. Give the children number 1 -

On 5th January is 'am fünften Januar'.

Give the children a few minutes to translate with a partner and the randomly select children to give the translations.


Slide 67

Explain that you have been building the children up all lesson to be able to say when their birthday is. Point out that when we learnt the months, we used 'in' to say our birthday but now that we know ordinal numbers, we can use 'on'. Ask a child to ask you the question and model both versions of how to say when your birthday is. Give the children a couple of minutes to ask and answer the question with others on their table.

Now select a few children and ask them when their birthday is. If the answer correctly in German they will earn a reward.    


Slide 68 - Who is Speaking?

Ask a child to come to the front of the class and stand with his/her back to the other children. Someone from the class then says their Birthday in German (in a funny voice if they wish) and the person at the front has to guess who said the sentence. If the person at the front guesses correctly then they stay where they are, if not the 'speaker' gets to go to the front. The person at the front has the chance of earning a bonus reward if they are also able to correctly translate the sentence into English  


Slide 69 - Fun extra activity (Directions)

Explain that in Germany there is a popular German game called 'Topfschlagen' and we will play a variant on the game using 'Franzi'. The game is called 'Es geht um Franzi' (it's all about Franzi) and the song to introduce the activity in future Zeit für Deutsch sessions is sung to the tune of 'its all about the base' - Es geht um Franzi, um Franzi, wo ist sie (X2)'. Practise the song and sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide.


Explain the game to the children:

One child is chosen to leave the room. The class then agrees where to hide Franzi. When Franzi is hidden, the child comes back in and has to follow the instructions given to him/her. These instructions could be given in 2 ways:

1) The whole class chants hot, cold, warm, ice cold (in German) and the child has to move around the classroom accordingly (top rectangle on the slide).

2) One child gives instructions such as left, right, stop and straight on (in German) and the child has to follow accordingly (bottom rectangle on the slide).

You may include a time limit to add excitement and if the child finds Franzi, they have to hold her up and say 'ich habe Franzi gefunden' (which is on the slide).



Slide 70 - Phone conversation transcript

As you did in 'Phone 1', choose a child to have a German telephone conversation with, using the transcript on the IWB. Give the chosen child a toy phone and use one yourself to add to the feel of this being a phone conversation, not just a regular conversation. Replace the names of Felix and Franzi with your name and the name of the chosen child. Throw in some of the 'red' questions into the conversation and see if the volunteer can answer them using the red answers next to the questions to help them. Point this out if they are struggling. Now get the volunteer to ask some red questions. You should be building up to as long a conversation as you can. Now point out that you can replace 'wunderbar' with any of the green 'praise' vocabulary on the slide.


Slides 71 - 72 - Counting Competition

These slides follow on nicely from the counting in 'Zeit für Deutsch H'. As you did in 'Phone 2', point out that you could follow this pattern all the way to 99 (mention siebzig - not siebenzig). Now let the children practise counting as high as they can on their tables for a minute. After that randomly choose 3 children to compete against each other, whoever can count the highest wins.  


Slide 73 - die Nummer ist ...

Just as you did in 'Phone 2', pretend that you are dialling a number on a phone and say the numbers out loud in German. Randomly select children to tell you the number you dialled (in German) and in which country the number is, based on the dialling code. Use a maximum of 10 numbers and the children can use pencils and paper for this. 





Slide 74 - Days of the Week Song

Sing the song together with the children, using actions if possible. As this is the most difficult song learnt yet, reward the best singer (possibly with the crown).


Slide 75 - Recite the days of the week - then play 'say if true'

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide. Discuss any patterns, similarities and differences with English. Let the class say them without your support and then choose some individual children to say them. Address any issues (the children sometimes pronounce the first part of  'Tuesday' to rhyme with 'mine').  


Play 'say if true'. Using a pointer, say the days of the week as you point at them. Every now and then say a different weekday to the one you are pointing at or even a completely different word. If any of the children copy the mistake that you made then you win a point. If however, none of the children repeat (and perhaps make a sign such as the 'Mobot'), then they win a point. Compete with the class, try to trick them and reward them if they win.


Slide 76 - Recite the months - then play 'say if true' again (if you want to revise months)

Repeat the activities for slide 76 (see above), but this time use the months of the year instead of the days of the week. 


Slide 77 - Who is singing?

Ask a child to come to the front of the class and stand with his/her back to the other children. Someone from the class then sings one of the German lines from the song (slide 74 - in a funny voice if they wish) and the person at the front has to guess who sang. If the person at the front guesses correctly then they stay where they are, if not the 'singer' gets to go to the front. The person at the front has the chance of earning a bonus reward if they are also able to correctly translate the sentence into English  


Slide 78 - The King or Queen of Knowledge Song and Plenary / Translation is now on Slide 78 as it comes at the end of 'Zeit für Deutsch'


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