Letter to Penpal 2

Learning Objective

Write a letter to someone in Germany


Success Criteria

I can name more than 10 words to describe family and friends and put them in a sentence

I can name at least 10 foods and drinks

I can say what I like and don’t like

I can use ‘gern’ effectively


Key Vocabulary


Er ist/ Sie ist ... 


















Sehr nett

Gut in ... 





Er hat … / Sie hat …

Ich mag …

aber ich mag … lieber

und ich mag … am liebsten

Ich mag … nicht

und ich mag … gar nicht

Ich esse gern ...

Ich esse nicht gern ...

Ich trinke gern …

Ich trinke nicht gern




Meine Mutter ist…

Mein Papa ist…

Mein Bruder ist …

Meine Schwester ist…

Meine Oma ist …

Mein Opa ist …

Mein Onkel ist …

Meine Tante ist …

Mein Cousin ist…

Meine Cousine ist …

Meine Stiefmutter ist…

Mein Stiefbruder ist…

Mein Freund ist…

Meine Freundin ist…

Mein Freund Jack ist…

Meine Freundin Aria ist…

Er ist mein bester Freund

Sie ist meine beste Freundin

das Hänchen

der Schinken

die Trauben

die Tomaten

die Kartoffeln

die Karotten

die Erbsen

die Zwiebeln

die Pommes Frites

der Salat

die Suppe

das Eis


Lesson Context

The lesson begins with learning lots of new adjectives to describe people, some of which will be familiar from the 'animals' lessons. In learning the adjectives, the children will play a memory game and a very fun 'description mime' game. These adjectives will then be applied to talking about family and friends, where the children will do a translation activity and the more advanced ones will move on to writing about their own family and friends. The children will then re-visit talking about what they like and don't like with a focus on food and drink and the lesson will end with a fun 'charades activity



Powerpoint presentation

'Weekdays and Family' flashcards for the starter activity

Hand outs which the children can take home for revision - front and back


Slide 2 - Main Introduction

Communicate LO and SC


Slide 3 - Starter activity - Das Kartenspiel - revision of 'Weekdays' and 'Family' vocabulary 

Explain that the children should be using the 'Lob' words on slide 3 and let them get on with it. Reward children for using the 'Lob' words. The 'Family' vocabulary will be useful in today's lesson.


Slides 4 - 5 - Describing people

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on these slides. The children should be familiar with most of the vocabulary on slide 4 from their 'animals' lessons. Ask occasional translation questions such as:

He is old

She is tall

He is small but strong

They are friendly

We are sad

He is good at football

She is always happy

He has green eyes


Slide 6 - Describing people memory game

Give the children 3 minutes to memorise as many of the adjectives on slides 4 and 5 as possible. Tell that you will leave slide 6 on the IWB for the 'competition as an aide–mémoire. After the 3 minutes, select some children to compete against each other to see who can translate the most - reward the top scorer.


Slide 7 - Description mime

Invite the top scorer of the memory game to come to the front. They will win another reward if they manage to score '10 in a row'. Members of the class take turns to say a German adjective from slides 4 and 5 (the slides are on their sheets). The child at the front then has 10 seconds to act out or do an expression which reflects that adjective. For example if one of the class says 'glücklich' then the child at the front can pull a happy face. If anyone says an adjective that the child at the front has forgotten or can't mime, then the person who said the adjective can come to the front and go for '10 in a row' themselves


Slide 8 - Family and Friends

Go through the vocabulary on the slide with the children. Point out that 'mein' ends with an 'e' if you are talking about a female. Also point out that a male friend is 'Freund' and a female friend is 'Freundin'. Ask the children some translation questions that combine this slide with the previous 'describing people' slides such as:

My brother is big

My aunty is intelligent

My nan is called Nora and she is old

My friend David is normally happy and he is my best friend


Slide 9 - Translation (and extension)

Each sentence on this slide comes up individually. Bring up and read out the English sentences but leave the German ones hidden. The children have already gone over the vocabulary needed to complete these translations and the vocabulary is on their sheets. Give the children 10 minutes to translate the 6 sentences and write them down next to the English sentences in their sheets. After 10 minutes randomly select and reward children who have translated the sentences correctly. Reveal the answer after each one.


Extension - 10 minutes will be more than enough time for some of the children. I have provided lines underneath the translation activity on their sheets for these children and they should simply write some sentences about their family and friends, using the translation exercise as a guide and vocabulary on their sheets to help them. After revealing the translation answers, ask if any of the children would like to read out their own sentences


Slides 10 - 28 - Food and drink vocabulary

Sag mir nach this vocabulary and explain that the children will need this when talking about what they like and don't like


Slide 29 - Likes and dislikes

Go through the vocabulary on the slide with the children. Point out that for the 'likes', they simply say 'Ich mag' followed by what they like - and then extra words if they want to say what they prefer or what they like the best. For dislikes, they simply say 'Ich mag' again, but they throw 'nicht' to the end. Get the children to talk to their partners for a few minutes about food and drink. This slide is on their hand outs to help them. After a few minutes randomly select and reward children who are able to say 5 sentences about what food/drinks they like and don't like


Slide  30 - Gern - 4 sentences 

Go through the vocabulary on the slide and give some examples such as:

Ich esse gern Schinken

Ich esse nicht gern Zwiebeln

Ich trinke gern Limonade

Ich trinke nicht gern Wasser


Randomly select and reward some children who can come up with their own sentences


Now give the children 5 -10 minutes to write some sentences on the lines on their sheets about what they like and don't like. They don't necessarily have to stick to food as I have put other vocabulary at the bottom of the 'gern' sheet. After the time is up, randomly select and reward children who can read out their correct German sentences about what they like and don't like


Slide 31 - Charades

A volunteer from each team comes up and acts out one of their 'like/don't like' sentences. E.g. if they have written 'Ich esse gern Hänchen' - they would point at themselves, pretend to happily eat and then do an impression of a chicken. The class members have to say what the sentence is in German and whoever says the correct German sentence gets to come up to the front.

Note - Get the actor to tell you what the sentence is before they perform it  


Assessment and Evidence

Observe and ask questions

Monitoring of the written work

Refer back to the learning objective and success criteria after the 'charades' activity.  

Check achievement of the success criteria when you are on slide 32 by questioning and rewarding randomly selected children (using lollipop sticks) 

Letter to Penpal 2.pptx
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 10.5 MB
Vocabulary Sheet Letter to Penpal 2.docx
Microsoft Word Document 863.9 KB
Das Kartenspiel Weekdays and Family.docx
Microsoft Word Document 44.0 KB